Watch trailer for An Evening Inside The Room w/ Greg Sestero
Watch trailer
An Evening Inside The Room w/ Greg Sestero
Opens on October 7
Director: Tommy Wiseau Run Time: 99 min. Rating: R Release Year: 2003
Starring: Greg Sestero, Tommy Wiseau
Geeksboro Entertainment invites you to a/perture Cinema for an 18th anniversary screening of Tommy Wiseau’s infamous cult classic “The Room” with special guest Greg Sestero. There will also be a The Room costume contest and free spoons to hurl at the screen.

Thurday, October 7.
The 7:30 show is sold out, but an encore show has been added at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $13 at the door or $11 in advance and can be purchased online.
Co-star and producer of The Room, Sestero captured the highs and many lows of working behind the scenes on “The Room” in his fantastic memior “The Disaster Artist,” which was later adapted into an Oscar nominated film by the same. Sestero has also written the two part feature “Best Friends” and is currently in post production on his directorial debut, the horror film “Miracle Valley.”
Greg Sestero is the New York Times best-selling author of the Oscar – nominated The Disaster Artist and Co-Star of the cult classic The Room.Greg also recently wrote and produced Best F(r)iends Volume 1 and Volume 2 (Lionsgate)and was recently seen in Netflix’s popular gothic-drama mini-series The Haunting of Bly Manor. His directorial/ horror genre debut, Miracle Valley, is slated for release in 2022. It is the first very first film to ever shoot at Frank Lloyd Wright’s world renowned masterpiece Falling Water.