ta/ke out
march / the future of film is female
Check out our March series ‘celebrating women’s history / debuts’ all throughout the month, and take home some additional fantastic films by women filmmakers. This selection includes two films by featured filmmakers – you can check out Amy Heckerling’s Fast Times at Ridgemont High in theaters and then revisit her other classic high school movie Clueless. Or, Kasi Lemmon’s visionary debut Eve’s Bayou playing March 9 and 16, followed by her Oscar-nominated Harriet.
slash pass members have access to over 200 films in our brand ta/ke out library
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Donate your dvds and blu-rays today!
Do you have DVDs, VHS tapes, or Blu-Rays you don’t know what to do with? Follow a/perture patron, Nadia Clevenger’s example and donate them to a/perture’s growing ta/ke out library! We’ll give them a great new home! All movies are welcome! If you are interested in donating, please reach out to our Theater Manager at
Not a slash pass member?
join todayOur ta/ke out library is named after our staff member Quentin Norris. When Quentin passed away unexpectedly in 2021, we chose to honor him by renaming our library after him, his true passion while he was on our staff.